People, the strange truth about scary: going boldly where never gone before… Ok semi-boldly but mind made up. Still going.

By Waceke Wambaa

Climbing Mt Kenya was one of those commitments you spontaneously make… then wonder why you did… ultimately thankful that you made that commitment… but not motivated at all, to do that kinda thing again and again!

Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines commitment as ‘“an agreement or pledge to do something in the future” and “the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled.”

Is commitment an ugly word?

Sometimes, it sure feels like it. I mean the struggle is real to stay the course, go the distance. Embrace the joy as you work through the “Is this worth it?” Trust me, I asked myself that multiple times attempting to climb Mt. Kenya – the honeymoon glow faded fast but I kept at it and did my best.

I embarked on a new commitment to myself, to others. My podcast launched on March 17th. Something I’ve never done before but felt wholly right right now.

People, let’s keep it real. Do I know everything there is to know about podcasting – the front end, the middle end, the back end and all other ends there can be? A resounding NO! Does that scare me? No, because I’ve resolved it’s OK not to be perfect. I’m human! I’m going to make mistakes. But intentionality of purpose, moving in the vein of excellence – giving it my best in that moment. That’s what I’m committed to. So I might be moving on the semi-boldly mode… but I’m still going.

I’ve resolved it’s OK not to be perfect. I’m human! I’m going to make mistakes

Why now? Why after all this time does one try something so new?

First things first: Commitment has no timeline as to when to start a thing. I think the better question to ask is what is compelling you and I to wake up in the morning? To live, grow, move in some kind of direction? Conversely,… what causes one to not want to get up as life feels more demanding, overwhelming, to be worth the effort to face the day?

This is part of what’s compelling me. The fact that the past year or so started, exposed, amplified or peaked a cascade of obvious and not so obvious challenges that we are now going through or still experiencing the consequences of.  

No doubt if not yourself, you know someone somewhere who could sure use some encouragement (I totally appreciate all the encouragement that has come and continues to come my way too!). 

It feels like this is part of the more beckoning me around the corner. There is a call to be committed to something I can’t quite wholly define yet. But, I know in my innermost being, it’s the right thing to do. Have you ever felt so compelled, where you can’t completely define what the end goal is, but the singular objective of the task is so worth it? 

A Jeep SUV on a dusty dirt road steadily driving forward, with surrounding savannah landscape with a hilly range backdrop on a sunny day
Masai Mara, Kenya – September 6, 2018. A jeep runs along a dirt road in the savannah on a sunny day

In my case, the thought of encouraging, motivating even just that one person, that they have a future. That they have a hope. That they were created with so much potential, with their life being the opportunity to live out that purpose. To be a voice activating, engaging, challenging and cheering you onto your created destiny. This is the privilege. 

This is what I am committed to. 

This moment in time calls me to go boldly where I’ve never gone before… I’m willing to try. How about you?

Resource: commitment. 2021. In Retrieved March 13, 2021, from

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